
Skype for business mac there was a problem verifying the certificate
Skype for business mac there was a problem verifying the certificate

The biggest enhancement, in my opinion, is enabling a uniform authentication platform across all applications involving Office365.

  • Provides multi-factor authentication (MFA) support.
  • Can enable conditional access through various health-check functionalities:.
  • Can support qualified third-party identity providers (SAML).
  • Replaces passive authentication functionality that was first offered in Lync Server 2013.
  • Works with on-premises Active Directory and Active Directory Federation Services.
  • Uniform smart-card or certificate based authentication across all apps/services!.
  • No more basic authentication in Outlook!.
  • Provides uniform authentication across Office365 applications.
  • What does ADAL bring to the table, you ask? While Microsoft offers some info here on features, I’m pulling out a few for clarity’s sake: As with anything though, things advance, and ADAL is based off the advancements offered within OAuth 2.0. Despite the admirable job they do, those protocols either don’t work or are vulnerable when you begin moving to a cloud-based topology so protocols like OAuth and OpenID began to give rise in the market because they offered secure protocols (OAuth and SAML) for the various mixes of cloud topologies and service intermingling that exist on the Internet today.


    Obviously there are other protocols out there, but the core of Windows based authentication rested on those protocols and they worked well for the on-premises topology they served. What is ADAL?įor on-premises topologies, architects and administrators have lived in the realm of Basic, NTLM and Kerberos authentication since the advent of Active Directory. While I cannot give you a true deep-dive into ADAL, I can provide some context and some help around some core ADAL concepts and how it impacts Lync Server, Skype4B Server and Exchange Server deployments for customers using hybrid topologies to transition to Office365. While the feature was suddenly available and activated, there wasn’t a lot of good information out there about configuration, topology supportability, and overall limitations, so many customers (and even partners) were scrambling to examine the shiny new tool we were given.

    skype for business mac there was a problem verifying the certificate skype for business mac there was a problem verifying the certificate

    Microsoft announced the public preview of Modern Auth back in March of 2015 and then officially announced the worldwide public release in December of 2015. Over the past 12 months there has been a great deal of chatter within the Office365 space with the talk about Modern Authentication, also known as Azure Active Directory Authentication Libraries. Updated – Including information about Skype for Business Hybrid support Updated – Including updated information about Modern Authentication support for clients

    skype for business mac there was a problem verifying the certificate

    Updated – Including updated information about Modern Authentication MFA support for Lync Phone Edition clients Updated – Clarifications on ‘hybrid topology support’ for Skype for Business Server 2015 and Skype for Business Online

    Skype for business mac there was a problem verifying the certificate